about me

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Hi. My name is Ava. I was born July 28, 1998. I love art and creating things. My favorite thing to draw is animals. Here's an animal I drew called "flat Ava."


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My little brother Ian likes drawing with me in our driveway using chalk. He likes drawing scribbles.

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Here's me playing the violin. I believe this is my version of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy." I don't know the whole thing so I just made up the rest. Oh well.


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Here's me and my friend Kate singing in the chorus. I'm also very good at lip synching. Ssh. Don't tell anyone.


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Ian likes to come watch me sing. He always gets a front row seat. Except when there aren't any chairs, like today.

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I have two American Girl dolls. Sometimes I let Ian play too.  He has a crush on the brunette.  And the blonde too.  Here they are fighting over him.

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Me and Ian like swimming in our pool.  He doesn't know how to swim yet  But he DOES know how to poop.  Maybe I shouldn't be so close...

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Here's me and Ian on Halloween. Ian didn't want to wear his costume at first and wouldn't put on his mask. Now EVERYONE knows his true identity.

Do you like my red hair?

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Here's me with my family. You can write my parents if you want to send me a message.

contact us

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